Wednesday, October 8, 2014

My view on Geo Politics is that it is dominated by the will of the descendants of the Germanic tribes of Europe who invaded and Populated Eastern and Western Europe. These tribes are Angles,Saxons,Jutes,Visigoths,Ostrogoths,Vandals,and Huns. They Swept through Europe In a mass exodus which was the second of its kind. The first was at the time of the Hellenistic and Latin Invasions of the Minoan and Etruscan civilizations in Greece and Italy. In this first mass exodus of Germanic tribes there were the Hellenes and the Latins,the Ionians in Turky, the Zhou in China, and the Parthians in Persia. This first mass exodus is in my opinion is the reason for the invasion of the sea peoples in Kemet who landed in the Levant. They were Melanin peoples displaced by the Ionian,Hellenes,and Latin Germans. So in antiquity and in late antiquity we have a Germanic sweep of the European continent. I dont know when exactly it happened or if they had ever forgotten through the various wars of the Angles fighting the Danes fighting the Nromans that they were all Germanic. But sometime shortly after that it must have clicked. The inter marrying that began reflects a certain knowledge this fact and i feel marked the beginning of the physical manifestation of Geo politics reflecting this historical fact. There is no mythical reptilian bloodline of the illuminati just like there is no mythical jesus but there is a Germanic Bloodline,one that begins with the first mass exodus of antiquity, championed by the second mass exodus of the various Goths, Angles and Saxons, and survived by the economic elite and the remaining figure heads of state. How is this bloodline sustained and perpetuated? Inter marrying. German born peter Olreich upon his birth could have been Archduke of Holstein, King of Sweden or Emperor of Russia. Queen Victoria Wife of Prince Albert invited members of their royal family to Coburg Germany in Northern Bavaria for the wedding of her grand daughter to Victoria Maltis to a German Grand Duke. some of the Coburg family where Sophia Queen of Greece, Charelotta Empress of Mexico, Ferdinande Tzar of Bulgaria, Emanuel King of Portugal, Ann Marie Queen of Romania, Ann Zabila Queen of Sweden, Ann Marie Queen Consort of Italy, and more. So it seems like through inter marriage the European Elite consolidated power into the bloodline of Germany. The Rothschild and other prominent European families that follow the religion of Judaism also hail from Germanic tribes just from Eastern Europe. I make reference to the Khazar Jewish kingdom of the middle ages. We dont usually associate Jews and Eastern Europeans with Germanic blood but we should. This thing comes full circle when you factor in the fact that a study found out that most people of European descent in this America are Germanic and that every president accept Martin Van Buren are direct descendants of John Lakland Plantagenet(Germanic). So these players on the Global Field are European(German) American(German) and Jewish(German) consolidating Power by Inter marrying into prominence and positions of leadership, planning and implementing trans national and trans continental agenda through the use of Governments, Secret Societies and Religious institutions. Capitalism, Socialism,Oligarchy, are all forms of the same thing when the rulers are the same people. So The Movements like The U.N. and European Union and things of that sort that is to consolidate decision making power over the laws that govern the day to day life of what is becoming the world. The money is being consolidated by the Central Banks owned by the Ashkenazi Khazar Jewish German Rothschild family. The central banks implement a form of debt slavery through a process called Fractional Reserve Banking. Does the evidence support my theory? Who are the richest countries in Europe amidst the economic crysis?Luxembourg,Norway,Switzerland,Austria,Netherlands,Sweden,Ireland,Iceland,Germany,Belgium. All famously Germanic not even on some cryptic hidden Germanic stuff like I've been talking about. This is crazy! When we think we are being democrats,republicans,capitalits,socialists,christians,jews,businessmen,phrat brothers, and entertainers we are really practicing "serve Germany". Thats why it's not taught in text books that history is told to glorify the achievements of different Germanic tribes invading literate civilizations learning from them using what they learned to spread tyrannical empires which were advanced versions of their war-like barbarous tribes,and theses different wars and social paradigms are all forms of getting us to move toward Globalism, the last step of consolidating the world into their hands.


  1. It seems like their goal is globalism but what does that actually entail?

  2. Also, are these blue blooded people any relation to the Basques?

  3. That's a crazy good question from where i stand i have no idea who the Basques are and my question to you is what made you ask that?

  4. I asked because it relates to the origin of the Caucasian. For the most part, they are Albino Dravidians (stringy hair, long nose, sharp chin) and they lost their melanin due to being trapped in a very cold climate during the Wurmian Glaciation Period roughly 25,000 years ago. BUT there is a small group of Caucasians who have that rh blood factor which is said to be relevant to the rhesus monkey in that everyone has monkey blood except them because they evolved out of it. I didn't make this up. This is accepted science. I'm assuming that these very people are the same people who run the world behind closed doors. Why else would they be made to look more highly evolved than everyone else?
